Term for handmade carpet from Iran.
Examples for "persian carpet"
Examples for "persian carpet"
1The count had valuable Gobelin tapestries and Persian carpets in the house.
2She had expelled every scrap of food on to Art's Persian carpet.
3The rug was a beautiful old Persian carpet of roses and urns.
4She scuffed her bare toes along the edge of the Persian carpet.
5Under her feet, the woven tigers waited, silent in the Persian carpet.
1The thick Persian rug on the floor felt sumptuous beneath her feet.
2Luce inched a little closer along the Persian rug in the hall.
3They boldly deny any funny business, lying like two dusty Persian rugs.
4Across the gulf of Persian rug he looked at her steadily.
5The hard-wood floor was partly covered by a meagre Persian rug.
1During previous sanctions customers bought Iranian carpets elsewhere before taking them home to the United States.
Translations for iranian carpet